In Command Winter 1997 Newsletter, Page One
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Issue 197 Command Software Systems, Inc. Winter 1997

Contents: 1 m@ilCOMMAND: Stop Viruses Before they Enter Your Intranet
2 In the United Kingdom
Message from the President
New Faces in the Crowd
3 CSS Wins Fast 50 Award
F-PROT Professional is Checkmark Certified
CSS Spreads Its Wings
4 Take Command Centerfold
International Conference 1996
5 Tech Tips
Feature: Menu-Launched Quick Scans
Year 2000 Compliance
6 CSS Slayed the Angel of Death
Customers Take Command

Stops Viruses Before They Enter Your Intranet

The Internet is the world’s largest e-mail system, and e-mail attachments are prime carriers of the dreaded macro virus. It is common knowledge that viruses can cause expensive downtime and wipe out important data. However, when infected documents or files are zipped, compressed, encoded or encrypted and attached to e-mail messages, they are likely to be missed by standard virus scanning products.

m@ilCOMMAND is an Internet e-mail, server-based, anti-virus product. It guards your corporate network from e-mail-borne virus threats.

Most importantly, m@ilCOMMAND employs recursive disassembly to repeatedly decompress files for comprehensive scanning using NCSA certified F-PROT Professional Anti-Virus Software.

m@ilCOMMAND provides comprehensive virus protection by detecting over 9,000 viruses, including macro viruses. m@ilCOMMAND acts to protect post offices and your internal e-mail system.

m@ilCOMMAND alerts the administrator and the user with a customized message when a virus is detected. The comprehensive virus activity log records:
  • the e-mail address that sent the infected file
  • the date the file was receive
  • the name of the file
  • the destination of the file, and
  • the action taken when the virus was detected
m@ilCOMMAND is user-friendly, offering centralized management with simple installation; and it can be installed while your system is running.

m@ilCOMMAND is transparent to users, has remote management capabilities and is fully configurable and easily updated with current virus signatures.

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