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Command Software Systems Announces A New Product


Breakthrough Technology Protects Corporate Networks and Intranets

Jupiter, FL November, 1996 - Command Software Systems announced today the release of a new product, m@ilCOMMAND, the most comprehensive anti-virus SMTP e-mail gateway available. This powerful combination of Command’s F-PROT Professional anti-virus software with state-of-the-art e-mail gateway technology will provide the most effective protection today from the threat of viruses transmitted via the Internet.

m@ilCOMMAND stops viruses at the gateway level providing real-time protection for the enterprise. Each e-mail message is broken down into its component parts through recursive disassembly. This breakthrough technology provides the most thorough e-mail content analysis available on the market today. Once disassembled, the message can be scanned for viruses and then passed on or quarantined as needed.

"E-mail is the most widely used network application today. Macro viruses can be easily spread through file attachments and also within applications, such as OLE objects," said Dyan Dyer, Command president and CEO. "With the continuous sharing of information today, users must learn to protect their data in new ways," she added. "As use of the Internet, intranets and e-mail increases, so does the need for virus protection. To be effective in these environments, an anti-virus solution must provide real-time, on-access scanning. m@ilCOMMAND provides the technology to meet the current and growing security needs of corporate networks."

Combining powerful F-PROT Professional anti-virus detection and disinfection with e-mail validation modules, m@ilCOMMAND also combines real-time virus scanning with sophisticated electronic mail content and management. It offers automated real-time anti-virus scanning on incoming or outgoing e-mail and attachments, alerting network administrators to the presence of file viruses or macro virus attachments.

Command Software Systems, Inc. develops, markets and supports a complete line of leading anti-virus and information security products for IBM personal computers, compatibles and networks. Founded in 1983, the company has offices in the United States and the United Kingdom. Command Software products are sold directly and by a select reseller channel made up of VARs and System Integrators.