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Updating CSAV v4.0 to CSAV v4.5 With or Without CSS Central

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CSS Central is a single point control center for managing Command AntiVirus on the network. It provides the ability to deploy, configure and maintain Command AntiVirus remotely, across platforms.

CSS Central is designed to facilitate the systems administrator in the important job of keeping anti-virus protection up-to-date, offering automated downloads, installation and deployment of full product, components and virus signature updates.

IMPORTANT: These instructions apply to setting up the Automatic Update and Deployment features found within CSS Central and Command AntiVirus v4.5. Before any of the instructions can be followed, the following steps must be performed. For information concerning these steps, please refer to the manual.

  1. Install CSS Central. If you will not be using CSS Central, proceed to Step 6 below.
  2. Create a database by selecting New from the File Menu.
  3. Type in the name you wish to call the database.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Skip steps 6 and 7 and proceed to Section 1.
  6. Install Command AntiVirus.
  7. Skip Sections 1 and 2 and proceed to Section 3.

    1.1 Automated Downloads and Deployment using CSS Central to upgrade CSAV v4.0 to CSAV v4.5.

    This section describes how to update from a previous version of Command AntiVirus. Please note that CSS Central works specifically to update v4.0 and higher only. It is imperative that the automatic update feature offered in CSAV v4.0 has been implemented.

    One of the many functions of CSS Central is to download and deploy Command AntiVirus and associated definition files. There are two areas two configure for downloading and deployment, and three areas which allow for additional management of these features.

    IMPORTANT: CSS Central requires that Command AntiVirus v4.5 be installed to the same workstation/server. CSS Central is installed by default when CSAV for NT server is installed. If a '95 or NT workstation is being used, both CSS Central and CSAV v4.5 will need to be installed. The steps below will not function until this has been done.

    IMPORTANT: If you are NOT currently using the AutoUpdate feature of CSAV v4.0, these instructions will not apply to you. Please refer to the 4.5 Initial Installation document.

    IMPORTANT: Before beginning these steps, browse to the location of the AutoUpdate directory and delete all files and sub-folders therein.

    1.1.1 Configure FTP

    Used to set up the FTP information, to specify the Staging and AutoUpdate directory locations, and to schedule downloads. To configure:

    1. Select Configure FTP from the Update menu.
    2. In the Primary FTP tab, enter your userid and password which has been assigned from Command Software. If you do not have a userid and password assigned, you will need to contact our Customer Service department.
    3. The Secondary FTP tab may be left blank, or may be filled in with an alternate location.
    4. After completing the site information, click the Local Configuration Tab.
    5. Type in the path, or browse to the location, of the Staging directory. If the path specified does not exist, it will be created for you. The Staging directory will be the location of the downloaded files. This directory may be on a local drive, and does not need to be shared by users. It can, of course, be on a shared network drive if desired.
    6. Type in the UNC path of the existing AutoUpdate directory. The AutoUpdate directory will contain files which have been deployed for updating user machines. The necessary sub-directory structure to contain these update files will be dynamically created by CSS Central when deploys are accomplished.
    7. Write down the UNC path for reference.
    8. If you wish Scheduled Downloads to occur, click the Schedule button and select the desired options. Times must be entered in a 24-hour format.
    9. Click OK to return to the Local Configuration tab.
    10. Click OK on the FTP Configuration menu to accept these options. All settings will be saved to the CSSFTP.INI file in your local F-PROT95 directory.
    11. Proceed to Section 1.1.2 below. You are now ready to configure the type of download desired, and to specify the action which should be taken with these newly downloaded files. To help you make the choices best suited for your needs, a brief explanation of the available download types and actions is warranted.
    1.1.2 Configure Platforms

    Product updates are downloaded from the designated FTP site to the local Staging directory specified in the Configure FTP menu. There are three types of product updates:

    1. Full Product Updates contain a complete set of installation files.
    2. Component Updates are updates to individual files that upgrade the features and/or performance of the current version
    3. Signature File Updates contain current virus signature definition files.

    Aside from the obvious choices of platform and file type, there is also the action to be taken on download which must be considered. CSS Central offers downloading to the Staging directory as well as downloading to the Staging directory and automatically deploying those files to the AutoUpdate directory. Once these files are deployed to the AutoUpdate directory, they will be immediately accessible to user machines for upgrading. While this automation is ideal for signature definition files, some administrators may prefer to not use automatic deployment for full product or component updates. This would allow them an opportunity to review, or "certify", the product prior to distribution. CSS Central allows full customization of these options.

    1. Choose Configure Platforms from the Update menu. The dialog contains 6 tabs, one for each platform of CSAV supported by CSS Central.
    2. Choose the desired platform tab.
    3. Choose the type of download desired. You may choose as many as you like. If nothing is chosen, no downloads will occur.
    4. For each type of download selected, choose whether Scheduled Downloading and/or Automatic Deployment should occur.
    5. When the appropriate selections have been made, click OK. These choices will be saved in CSSFTP.INI in the F-PROT95 directory on the local drive.

    Note: If you wish to force a download, click the Download Now button for the desired type of download. However, please be aware that if Download Now is used, automatic deployment will not take plus. For more information regarding manually deploying the files, please read the Update File Management section below.

    1.1.3 Update File Management
    Update File Management provides a manual override to scheduled downloads and automatic deployment. Update File Management can be used as an emergency download and deploy tool, or it can be used as the sole means of centralized update management. It's flexibility is further enhanced by its "roll-back" feature, which allows administrators to roll-back to a previous installation of Command AntiVirus. The roll-back feature will not work unless the files have been downloaded using CSS Central and they are v4.5 or above.

    When files are automatically downloaded via CSS Central, they can be viewed and deployed from the Update File Management dialogue. If the files were received on floppy disk, or downloaded without using CSS Central, there is a special import feature.

    To force deployment of files downloaded via CSS Central:

    1. Choose Update File Management from the Update menu.
    2. Choose the desired platform from the drop-down Platform menu, or choose All Platforms. The list of files shown will change to reflect the platform specified. If All Platforms is selected, all files downloaded will display.
    3. Highlight the file(s) you wish to deploy.
    4. Click Deploy Now. This moves the files from the Staging directory to the Automatic Update directory. From there, network clients will be automatically updated. This updating will occur at the next system startup of the user machine, or between 4:00 and 5:00 a.m. if shutdown has not occurred.
    1.1.4 Start Update
    Invokes the workstations to "force" the automatic update process. This process normally occurs automatically at system startup or between 4:00 and 5:00 a.m. if the system has not been shutdown.

    To invoke the automatic update process to occur immediately:

    1. Select Start Update from the Update Menu.

    1.2 Deployment and Automatic Update when CSS Central is not being used to download the files but is being used to update user machines from CSAV v4.0 to CSAV v4.5.

    If you choose not to use CSS Central for downloading the files, you can still deploy new product and automatic updates. This need may result from having received the files via a separate medium, i.e. on CD-ROM.
    1. Open CSS Central and choose Configure FTP from the Update menu.
    2. Select the Local Configuration tab and specify the AutoUpdate directory. This should be the AutoUpdate directory targeted by existing CSAV v4.0 installations. Make sure there are no other files/sub-folders in this directory before proceeding with the remaining steps.
    3. The staging directory may be left blank. You will receive a warning stating that the staging directory must be selected for downloads to occur. The warning does not apply in this case. Simply click OK to continue.
    4. Choose Update File Management from the Update menu.
    5. Click Import.
    6. Type in the path which contains the setup files, or use the browse button to locate the directory containing the files which were copied over. Click OK
    7. Make the appropriate selections in the ensuing dialog box to accurately reflect the Platform, Product, Type of Files, and Description.
    8. Click OK. The files will be deployed to the AutoUpdate directory and the CSSFILES.INI will be automatically created in the root of this directory. A confirmation to this effect will occur. Click OK to continue the operation and deploy the files to the AutoUpdate directory.

    1.3 Deployment and Automatic Update of CSAV v4.0 to CSAV v4.5 without the use of CSS Central.

    This section is for those administrators who do not wish to use CSS Central to deploy files or update user machines. There are two methods to choose from. One takes advantage of a special utility named MIGRATE.EXE which is available on our web site at:\html\migrate.html. The second method is a completely manual approach and is described last. Please be aware that first-time installations will not be possible without the use of CSS Central, however, the following steps will allow automatic updating to occur after the installation has been accomplished via some other method.
    1.3.1 Deployment and Automatic Update from CSAV v4.0 to CSAV v4.5 using MIGRATE.EXE
    MIGRATE.EXE is a utility designed to automate the deployment and automatic updating of CSAV v4.5 when CSS Central is not being used. Essentially, it creates the necessary directory structure and initialization file required to complete the task.
    1. Download MIGRATE.EXE.
    2. Extract MIGRATE.EXE into a temporary directory. Three files will extract. They are: AUDUTIL.EXE, CSS_UPDT.EXE, and CSS-UPDT.INI.
    3. Copy AUDUTIL.EXE, CSS_UPDT.EXE and CSS-UPDT.INI into the AutoUpdate directory.
    4. Execute AUDUTIL.EXE. This utility will create the sub-directory structure needed within the AutoUpdate directory. It will also create CSSFILES.INI which will be in the root of the AutoUpdate directory.
    For administrators who prefer an entirely manual method, or for troubleshooting purposes, the following steps outline the manual creation of the automatic update directory and CSSFILES.INI. Please note that CSSFILES.INI must be created correctly, otherwise the updates will not occur.
    1. Create the AutoUpdate directory.
    2. Create separate subdirectories for each platform to be installed.
    3. In each of these sub-directories, create a subdirectory for
      Full product Components Signatures files
    4. Create a text file in the root of the AutoUpdate directory and name it CSSFILES.INI
    5. For each of the platform subdirectories, you will need to create an entry in the CSSFILES.INI file to specify where F-Agent should look for update files

      CSSFILES.INI Format:

      basedir=UNC or mapped path to platform subdirectory\
      fullprod=basedir plus full product subdirectory\
      compont=basedir plus component subdirectory\
      deffiles=basedir plus signature file subdirectory\

      Note: It is recommended that UNC paths be used wherever possible as this alleviates the need to have drive mappings.

      An example CSSFILES.INI entry is below:

      If \\server\share\autoupdate is the AutoUpdate directory and \nt40 is the platform subdirectory:


      The above example assumes Full Product, Components, and Definition Files are to be automatically deployed. If this is not the case, omit the corresponding line. For example, if component updates are not to be automatically deployed to users, do not add the line "Compont=Comp to the CSSFILES.INI file.

    6. Make sure the users' CSAV software is pointing to the automatic update location which contains CSSFILES.INI. This can be specified prior to installation by editing the setup.ini.
    7. To deploy signature file updates, copy the new definition to the deffiles subdirectory for each platform:
    8. To deploy product updates, copy the installation set, or run onedisk.bat, to the appropriate platform's full product directory.
    9. Extract MIGRATE.EXE into a temporary directory. Three files will extract. They are: AUDUTIL.EXE, CSS_UPDT.EXE, and CSS-UPDT.INI.
    10. Copy CSS_UPDT.EXE and CSS-UPDT.INI into the AutoUpdate directory. You do not need to copy AUDUTIL.EXE for this purpose.