BBS Download Procedure
BBS ACCESS NOTE: Bulletin Board System (BBS)
Command Software�s BBS uses WorldGroup�s Galacticomm software. It can be accessed with a modem and local communications software. To do this:
- Execute your local communications package.
- Look at the package�s settings to make sure 8, N, 1 (8 bit, non-parity, 1stop bit) are set and flow control is off.
- Enter Command Software�s BBS's phone number, 561-575-1281.
- "Dial" out to connect to Command Software�s BBS.
- Once both computers have "hand shaked", you will be asked to enter your user ID (different than your name) and password.
- You now have several options to select from. At this point, you can enter "file libraries" ("L") in order to download or upload a file.
- Within file libraries, you will be prompted to enter into the specific library you are interested in. If you are not sure of its name, type "?" to see a list of the libraries that are available to you.
Note: If you were not given access to a library, you will not see that product library.
- Once in a library, choose "find files within library" ("F"). Then, choose "F" again to "find files by name". To see "files within the current library", choose "C".
- Each file has a description next to it. Flag the file you would like to download by highlighting it and pressing the space bar.
- To download that file, enter "ALT-D". You may be asked to enter a particular transfer protocol; Z-modem is recommended.
Once you are connected, you may want to download the file WG-MODEM located in the "main" library.