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Command Software is very proud of its leadership role in continuing scholarship and innovation in the security industry. Listed below are some of the conferences our representatives will be attending or have attended in the past. For more anti-virus research and writing, please consult our Virus Information section. For Trade Show listings, please visit our trade show page.

January 16-17
NCSA/IVPC International Virus Prevention Conference
Arlington, Virginia

"The Generic Virus Writer II"

Sarah Gordon

This paper is a continuation of the Generic Virus Writer, which can be found on this site.

November 17-19
European Institute for Computer AntiVirus Research (EICAR) Annual Conference
Linz, Austria

"Publication of Vulnerabilities and Tools: Security (R)evolution".

Sarah Gordon

This paper gives a historical perspective of publicly available information regarding system vulnerabilities as well as technical analysis of various tool types. System penetration tools, virus writing tools, viruses, and system vulnerabilities are also examined from an epidemiological perspective. The impact of this distribution on system administrators is discussed, and techniques for minimizing the threats are given.

October 21-25, 1996
19th National Information Systems Security Conference
Baltimore, MD

Track H: Solutions, Room 343-344
New Test Methodologies
Chair: R. Lau, NSA

  1. Real World Anti-Virus Product Reviews and Evaluation - The Current State of Affairs (526), S. Gordon, Command Software Systems, Inc.

  2. Security Proof of Concept Keystone (SPOCK) (539), J. McGehee, COACT, Inc.

  3. Use of a Taxonomy of Security Faults (551), I. Krsul, Purdue University

Sarah Gordon and Dr. Richard Ford will be presenting:
Real World Anti-Virus Product Reviews and Evaluation - The Current State of Affairs

This paper will discuss frequently encountered errors in the evaluation process relative to anti-virus software selection by examining some of the methods commonly used by corporate and governmental personnel working in the area of Management Information Systems (MIS). In addition to discussing the inherent problems, the paper suggests alternative methodologies for evaluation. The authors will examine commercial certification processes, as well as the Information Technology Security Evaluation and Certification scheme (ITSEC) approach, as possible models for anti-virus product evaluation and certification. Finally, Gordon and Ford will discuss ways in which the information which is currently available may be used to help select anti-virus software which is both functional and cost efficient.

September, 1996
Virus Bulletin Conference
Brighton, United Kingdom

Sarah Gordon will present The Generic Virus Writer II. Part One is available on this site.

May 20-24, 1996
Samos Island, Greece

During the workshop entitled:
"Information Security Education - Current and Future Needs, Problems and Prospects",

Sarah Gordon presented:
Structuring Ethical Curricula Revisited: Security Concepts for Developing Countries.

Her original paper, from IFIP 95, Structuring Ethical Curricula in the Information Age is available on our site.

April 1-2, 1996
National Computer Security Association, IVPC
Washington, DC

Command Software representative Sarah Gordon presented:
Is A Good Virus Simulator Still a Bad Idea?

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