Infects MBR?
Infects hard disk boot record?
Infects diskette boot record?
Infects COM files?
Infects EXE files?
Infects SYS files?
Infects as a companion?
Infects OLE2 stream?
Memory resident?
Mutipartite virus?
Full stealth?
Encrypted (code and data)?
Armored / anti-debug?
Uses tunneling?
Displays visual effect (other than message)?
Produces sound effect (other than music)?
Plays music?
Displays message?
Contains clear text string or music?
Contains encrypted text?
Has triggered warhead / payload that causes damage?
Does random, less obvious damage over time?
Modifies CMOS?
Makes MBR inaccessible?
Seeks COMMAND.COM and infects it?
Avoids AV product(s)?
Disables AV product(s)?
Targets AV product(s)?
Targets AV integrity information?
Has design flaw that corrupts data?