According to experts in the field of Information Technology, one of the most
pressing need facing students in computer related fields is a lack of
understanding of the social and ethical implications of computerization.
In "Integrated Social Impact and Ethical Issues Across the Computer
Science Curriculum" [Holz, Martin 92] we read:
Computer technology is particularly powerful due to its
potential to change how we think about ourselves as human
beings, how we make decisions in governance and social
policy, and how we save and pass on knowledge...
This challenge is particularly difficult given the traditional
mindset of technically trained professionals who view social
impact and ethics issues as topics auxiliary to the foundation
material in computer science...
Technical issues are best understood (and most effectively
taught) in their social context, and the societal aspects
of computing are best understood in the context of the
underlying technical deatil...
This paper will address what is often said to be the most serious problem
there is in implementing the sort of approach suggested by Holz and Martin:
We will identify some major ethical issues as they relate to computer
based interactions, and provide a compact guide which educators can
use to guide them in quickly obtaining materials needed for a more thorough
exploration of these issues.